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PQ response- Number of LDA development sites, the location of the sites, the size and the projected number of residential units

25 February 2021

For Written Answer on : 24/02/2021
Question Number(s): 310 Question Reference(s): 9821/21
Department: Housing, Local Government and Heritage
Asked by: Eoin Ó Broin T.D.

To ask the Minister for Housing; Local Government and Heritage the status of the Land Development Agency; the number of development sites in which the Land Development Agency has involvement; the locations, size, partners and number of residential units projected for each site; the projected cost of each development; the projected level of agency financing; and if he will make a statement on the matter.


The Land Development Agency (LDA) was established on an interim basis in September 2018, by way of an Establishment Order made under the Local Government Services (Corporate Bodies) Act 1971, pending the enactment of primary legislation i.e. the LDA Bill when it will be established as a commercial State agency. The LDA Bill was recently published and is currently going through Second Stage in Dáil Éireann. 

On establishment, the LDA had access to an initial tranche of 9 sites that have near term delivery potential for 4,000 new homes. 

It has secured planning permission for 597 units at Shanganagh in conjunction with Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council and has submitted a Strategic Housing Development application for the St. Kevin’s Hospital site in Cork City in December 2020.

The LDA intends to submit planning applications for other sites in 2021.

A capital allocation of €60 million has been provided for 2021, pending finalisation of future capitalisation through the Ireland Strategic Investment Fund of up to €1.25 billion following enactment of primary legislation.

A comprehensive update on each of the LDA's current sites can be found in the table below.



Projected   number of units

Stage of   the process / targeted completion date

Existing Partners (where applicable)


17.37 acres

597 homes, of which   200 social, 91 affordable   for sale, 306 cost rental

Part 10 application   submitted to An   Bord Pleanala and granted. Construction anticipated to start in second half   of 2021. Stage 1 Procurement has commenced.

Site being  developed in   conjunction with Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council (DLRCC). Design Team (DT) appointed by DLRCC.   ABK Architects. Architect led DT.

Central Mental Hospital (CMH), Dundrum

28 acres

1,300 homes (estimated)

Design team appointed and   pre-planning public consultation and masterplanning underway. LDA expects to   lodge an application for SHD in mid-2021. Construction start is   projected for mid-2022.


Devoy Barracks, Naas

10.08   acres

221 homes   (estimated)

Pre-application consultation with Kildare   County Council and An Bord Pleanála completed. Anticipated lodgement in March   2021 and Grant of Permission in July 2021.


St. Kevin's Hospital, Cork

14.5 acres

266 homes

SHD planning application decision due in   April 2021.


Meath Hospital, Dublin 8

0.75   acres

100 homes   (estimated)

Redevelopment Options Review to be completed   Q1 2021.


Hackettstown, Skerries

16.8 acres

344 homes (estimated)

Pre-application   consultation with Fingal County Council and An Bord Pleanála completed. SHD application   submission expected in Q2 on 2021.


Castlelands, Balbriggan

55   acres

815 homes   (estimated)

Pre-application   consultation with An Bord Pleanála requested and expected in March 2021.


Columb Barracks, Mullingar

24.7 acres

100 Phase 1 (estimated)

  Feasibility stage, advancing development framework.


Dyke Road, Galway

4.5   acres


Currently   preparing a vision statement in conjunction with Galway City Council prior to preparing a   scope of works and commencement of a tendering process.


As with all State bodies operating under the aegis of my Department, arrangements have been put in place by the LDA through which Oireachtas members can request information directly from the Agency in relation to operational matters - in this regard, the LDA may be contacted directly at