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PQ Response- Update on Devoy Barracks site, Naas, County Kildare

01 April 2021

For Written Answer on : 31/03/2021
Question Number(s): 492 Question Reference(s): 17051/21
Department: Housing, Local Government and Heritage
Asked by: Eoin Ó Broin T.D.


To ask the Minister for Housing; Local Government and Heritage the status of the Land Development Agency development on the Devoy Barracks site, Naas, County Kildare; the number of units proposed; the tenure mix; the development partners; and the timeline for planning, commencement and completion.


The Land Development Agency (LDA) was established on an interim basis in September 2018, by way of an Establishment Order made under the Local Government Services (Corporate Bodies) Act 1971, pending the enactment of primary legislation when it will be established as a commercial State agency.

The LDA have advised my Department that they are expecting to lodge a planning application in April 2021 for a development on the 10.08 acre site at Devoy Barracks in Naas.  Subject to a successful grant of planning permission, it is envisaged that construction will commence in 2022, with an estimated development programme of  approximately 3 years.  It is estimated that this site has the potential to provide 221 units.

As this site is currently at the pre-development stage, the exact delivery potential will only be finalised as final plans are put in place and planning permission is sought.  The LDA will have regard to Government policy, and all appropriate legislation, on the appropriate tenure mix for developments on public land as well as the criteria for the operation of cost rental and affordable housing schemes.

As with all State bodies operating under the aegis of my Department, arrangements have been put in place by the LDA through which Oireachtas members can request information directly from the Agency in relation to operational matters - in this regard, the LDA may be contacted directly at