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Question 255 - Wednesday 17th Feb 2020

17 February 2021

For Written Answer on : 17/02/2021
Question Number(s): 255 Question Reference(s): 7964/21
Department: Housing, Local Government and Heritage
Asked by: Eoin Ó Broin T.D.


To ask the Minister for Housing; Local Government and Heritage the timeline for the completion of the various phases of the development with respect to the Land Development Agency and Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council development in Shanganagh, Shankill, County Dublin; the commencement date for the development; the expected sales price of the affordable purchase units; the total cost of the development; the types of finance being accessed by the LDA to undertake the development; and if further information which he deems relevant will be provided.


The Land Development Agency (LDA) was established on an interim basis in September 2018, by way of an Establishment Order made under the Local Government Services (Corporate Bodies) Act 1971, pending the enactment of primary legislation when it will be established as a commercial State agency.

The LDA have informed my Department that the Shanganagh development is scheduled to commence in the second half of 2021 and is expected to take approximately 4 years to complete. 597 units will be provided on the site, of which there will be 200 social housing units, 306 cost rental units and 91 affordable purchase units.  The LDA expect that the units will be delivered on a phased basis with the first phase being completed in 2023. The total cost of the development will be subject to competitive tender as part of the upcoming procurement process. 

The project will be funded by the LDA for the construction of the cost rental units and by my Department through the Social Housing Investment Programme for the 200 social housing units and the Serviced Sites Fund in respect of the affordable housing scheme units.

As with all State bodies operating under the aegis of my Department, arrangements have been put in place by the LDA through which Oireachtas members can request information directly from the Agency in relation to operational matters - in this regard, the LDA may be contacted directly at